Monday, November 10, 2014

Garden is Resting Now

This was a pretty successful year in my hand made garden. I have to say I've had more success than in the past. I can't be sure this is due to the square foot garden plan, the over-the-top summer weather we had here in the Pacific Northwest this year, or the All Holds Barred slug assault I began in March and kept up till July. After that, I just killed slugs that crossed my path, and those that hid under pots I had sitting on the ground.

Slugs still got their share of my tomatoes, but I had more than I could eat and even gave some away.

These are some of the green ones in July.
This was taken in early August, much earlier than I usually get ripe tomatoes!!
I planted flowers in the holes in the cement blocks that I used to form the sides of my Square Foot Garden. I never did put the grid over the top, so the inventor of the Square Foot Garden system would not say I really had one.

This small bowl of berries were picked on November 1. We have not yet had frost here, but we have had deluges of rain, so I have called the season to an end, leaving a few berries for the sparrows to have. I have to cut all the vines to 6" after the harvest, and pile them in a big pile. The birds enjoy picking whatever berries are left on the vines, even if they are a bit hard or not quite ripe.
This is one of my larger blueberry bushes, looking splendid in her Autumn attire!!
These are my lovely potatoes. I plan to do a watercolor of them, they are SO beautiful!!! They tasted wonderful, too!!
I took a class in making baskets from pine needles: this is my first one. It is made from pine needles collected in California by our teacher. I think he said it was a Colter Pine? Does that sound familiar to anyone? We have pines here in Western WA but have to go to Eastern WA to find the longer needled pines.